My favorite notebook brand.
You could find me in the notebook section of any store, looking for the perfect journal. I’d search for size, color, then page texture. I love a discreet journal, nothing to flashy that says JOURNAL, or design that puts my boundless spirit in a box. I like to let the pages describe who I am, when I am, and how I am.
Moleskin! That is my favorite. I am hooked. The 2015 New Yorker said, “Last year, Moleskine sold more than seventeen million notebooks, and brought in more than ninety million euros in revenues from sales of paper products, up from just over fifty million in 2010. While some of the company’s success, especially among the young consumers who make up its fastest-growing market, can be attributed to its marketing—which is built on associations with such famous creatives as Chatwin, Hemingway, Picasso, and van Gogh (all of whom used similarly styled notebooks)”.
Here are my top 3 requirements when looking for a journal:
1 —
It needs to travel well, can’t take up to much space or too small that can only hold lists. Nothing too heavy, which means no hard cover. Size is my number one requirement for my desired lifestyle; I want to put it in my bag, take it on a plane or on a hike.
Moleskin offers a varied amount of sizes, my favorite is 5” x 8.25”.
2 —
I believe the pages of the journal should to express who I was in that time period. I feel turned off by a journal that has a quote on the outside or a saying; I believe that I change so much that quote may not still stimulate me once I wrote in all of the pages. Moleskin keeps it simple, canvas, black, green.
3 —
It’s all about the sound, feeling the words on the pages. When the page is written on both sides the pages bend in a way that reminds you of your passion. It is the sound of consciousness, proof that I am indeed alive. I choose moleskin for the soft and thin pages, making the journal lightweight and thin.
What are your three journal requirements?