WRITING Inspiration

  • List 3 ways you show yourself compassion.

    What choices can you make the honor your needs?

    When do you feel powerful?

    Write a love letter to your body.

  • List five things you can see.

    List three things that you are grateful for.

    Consider someone who has ever helped you. Start your entry with, “how did you know…”

    Describe two things that brought you joy today.

  • Describe your biggest accomplishment this month.

    What are you looking forward to?

    Start your entry with, “I want to embody…”

    Describe what a successful life looks like..

    List three things you want to make more time for.

  • In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali we are introduced to the Eight Limbs of Yoga, also known as Raja Yoga or the path of self-mastery to enlightenment. These are simple guidelines for living a happy, healthy, spiritually fulfilled life. The first limb, Yama, gives us observances for how we should behave towards others, including our co-workers - being truthful, not being harmful, greedy, wasteful or taking what’s not yours.

    Go on a knowledge journey to explore the eight limbs of yoga. Take notes in your journal.


The 8 limbs of Yoga

The path of self mastery to enlightenment